Taylor Tuesdays-part 1

Today I’m starting a new blog series called Taylor Tuesdays that will be all about our family, the Taylors! 😊

Our little Taylor family began in July 2015 (which means we’re coming up on our 5th wedding anniversary this year!!) Nick and I met while both working delivering pizzas, and it definitely was not love at first sight on my part! 😄 (I just thought the guy was weird!)

Nick must have seen something in me, because even though I wouldn’t go out with him, he started attending our church. He would come in after I had already gone to the piano, and sit between my sisters! This was actually a genius move, because they would just look at me, and I knew they would be upset if I left them to sit with the weird guy and sat elsewhere! 😂

Nick continued to come, and somehow won over everyone else’s hearts! Turns out, he’s one of the sweetest and funniest guys once you get to know him! After 3 months, I finally went out with him, and 7 months after that, we were married!

Rebekah Taylor Wedding Photography, Dickson, Nashville, TN

I’ll be sharing more about our family next Tuesday, so be sure to check back in! In the meantime, here are some pictures that my friend, Neely Roberts ( https://neelyroberts.com/ ) took for us this past summer!

Rebekah Taylor Wedding Photography, Dickson, Nashville, TN

February 4, 2020

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