The Beard is Gone!!

My dear husband has been growing a beard since July of last year.  I liked it pretty well once it was grown out a little, but lately it had been looking a little wild! 😄😄  So while I was gone one night last week (meeting a new photographer friend in the area…sadly, I didn’t even think to get a picture together), Nick decided to cut off the beard!  He also CUT HIS OWN HAIR, but couldn’t reach the back, resulting in a VERY hilarious/awful looking style!! I laughed and laughed and didn’t finish cutting it because it was late and he had already taken a shower!  (I did cut it the next night, but he had to wear it to work! 😂 Yes, I know I am terrible!!)

So this is Nick with his beard the day before he cut it.  Isn’t our nephew just the cutest?! 😍 (This is our youngest nephew, his sister’s baby.)

And this is Nick the day after he cut his beard off!  I had almost forgotten what he looked like! Haha!

May 22, 2018

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  1. Russell Ward says:

    Much better! There is no telling what varmints were hanging out in that massive entanglement of hair.

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