Quiet Sunday Evening

Just sitting here enjoying a quiet Sunday evening with Nick.  Most of our Sundays are filled with church, practicing songs with various people (I play the piano), and Nick always wanting to stay afterward and challenge anyone and everyone in a game (or three) of chess!  He claims that he doesn’t mind if he wins or loses, but he very rarely loses.  He might not being saying that if he lost more often!

One thing I love about Sundays is that we get to see several of my sisters and our nieces and nephews!  Have I mentioned before how much we love getting to spend time with our nieces and nephews?  I know I share pictures all the time (to the point that some people think we have children of our own), but I’m just a proud aunt!  I love this one that I grabbed this afternoon of Uncle Nick and our newest niece!  Isn’t she just precious?!  She’s almost four months old, and is just a sweetheart!


June 11, 2018

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  1. Nick Taylor says:

    Hello Daughter! Keep up the good work!

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