I know it’s not Taylor Tuesday, but I couldn’t wait to share these pictures, because we got snow this morning!! 😁 Here in Middle Tennessee, we typically only get snow once or twice a year, and usually it’s enough to look pretty, and then melts soon after. (Which is perfect, in my opinion! 😊)
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE taking pictures in the snow!! The lighting and reflection are just wonderful! 😍
Nick wanted to wake Elliana up before he headed to work so he could see her reaction to snow for the first time! She was NOT impressed. Hahaha!
It may or may not have had something to do with taking her out before feeding her. 😄 She didn’t cry, though…just looked at us like we were total idiots.

Really, Mom? 😄
We did manage to get one smile! And then we noticed she was tasting snowflakes as they fell, and Nick stuck his tongue out to do the same…

She’s probably thinking, “Yep, my parents are totally crazy!” 😂🤣

Oh! Precious pictures of the first snow together with daddy! Love them!
Thanks! 😊
Such fun first snow photos. I love her snow suit!
Ahhh! Baby pictures in the snow! I love it.
She is too stinking cute!
Thanks! 😍
oh my goodness what a sweet face! :O ah! I’ve got baby fever lol