100th Blog Post

Today’s post is the 100th blog post for Rebekah Taylor Photography!
Fun Fact: I originally started my blog at a different address back in 2017, before I even had a website! When this website was built, I was able to have the posts all transferred over, so they’re all here, if anyone wants to go back and read them all! 😆

Rebekah Taylor Wedding Photography, Dickson, Nashville, TN

We had yet another busy weekend, as I hosted a baby sprinkle in honor of my sister, who is due with our 11th niece or nephew next month! We had a good time (except for the frantic cleaning of the house up until a few moments before guests arrived! 😄 How is it that you don’t notice things until you’ve got company coming over?)

Our baby girl (who will be 1 year old this week!!) is working on cutting some teeth, and has been pitiful. I think she may have also caught something that’s been going around, so I’m thinking I may just keep her home until Spring. (Just kidding…sort of!) Hope everyone had a great weekend, and is ready for this new week! 🙂

Rebekah Taylor Wedding Photography, Dickson, Nashville, TN

February 10, 2020

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  1. Sarah Maul says:

    Oh man, that guy in the blue suit is the cutest ever! 😉

  2. Big Nick says:

    Happy 100th!

  3. […] honestly can’t recommend it enough! I’m including a quote below from my sister. She’s so glad she changed her mind! […]

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