Today’s post (and probably most future Taylor Tuesday posts! 😄) is all about our precious baby girl, Elliana!
I remember when Nick and I were first dating, one of the first things he mentioned was that he wanted to have children someday. (He also mentioned wanting to get married “in a few months” but quickly retracted that statement after seeing my expression!! 😂🤣) Seeing him interact with my nieces and nephews and other children, I quickly realized that he has a special connection with them. And he very quickly became the favorite! Pretty sure everyone liked him better than me…and they still do! Haha!

Elliana joined our family a year ago at birth, and her adoption was finalized last summer. She is the BEST thing that has ever happened to us! The fact that she’s adopted is not something that we announce constantly or bring up all the time…just like other parents don’t go around informing people that their children are biologically theirs….but when the subject has come up, we’ve been asked quite a few questions (which we’re happy to answer to the best of our knowledge.)
In answer to some common questions/comments:
We were presented with the opportunity to adopt privately, obtained a lawyer ourselves, and did not go through an agency. (Not to say we won’t go that route in the future.)
Yes, she knows/will know who her biological family is! She is such a precious little person already and I would not want to keep them from knowing her, or for her to miss out on having them in her life and experiencing the love they have for her! 💜

No, Nick and I are NOT special people, and Elliana is NOT lucky to have us as parents! I know people that say this mean well, but it’s just not the truth! She’s not any luckier to have us as parents than any other child! WE are the lucky ones! We are so thankful for her biological mother that carried her for 9 months (and from what I hear, pregnancy isn’t the funnest experience ever! 😄) and made our dream come true! (Sorry if this seems like a rant! 😄)

We’re often asked about our family’s response to adopting. Y’all. Both Nick and I have AWESOME families. I cannot even begin to tell you how much this child has been loved on!

Will she be the only child? I hope not! Although at this point I honestly can’t imagine loving another child as much as we love this precious girl! 😍

A special thanks to my photographer friend, Neely Roberts, who so beautifully captured these pictures, and the many different expressions of our sweet girl! These were taken at 6 months old, so now we need to have more made soon for 12 months!
We’re definitely open to answering any other questions on adoption! We’re not experts by any means, but can answer what we know from our experience. 💕
You are so right, your beautiful daughter is a blessing. Our adoption was a private one as well and although at first his birth mom didn’t want want to see him, she did come get for a couple of hours before she went home from the hospital. We are now friends on Facebook so she is able to see him grow. I have always been upfront about his adoption, he knows he’s adopted,although sometimes he forgets.
Adoption is SUCH a blessing!!
Yes it is! 💕
She is adorable!
Thanks! We think so, too! 😍
Love that you shared your adoption story!
Beautiful written! And you have a gorgeous daughter!
Thank you so much!
She is the cutest!!!
Thank you!! 😍
Ohhh she is sooooo cute!!!
Thank you!! We think so, too!
Omg she is the cutest thing ever!! What a sweet baby girl!
[…] I’m Rebekah, mother to Elliana, wife to Nick, sister to Rachel, Sarah, Hannah, Esther, Abby, Bethany, and Seth, aunt to many more, photographer, and my biggest dream is to be a helicopter pilot one day! 😄 Speaking of dreams, I’m currently living one of my biggest dreams as mama to our sweet baby girl! (Read more about how she joined our family!) […]
[…] like him way more than me! 😄) I just love watching him with Elliana! 😍 He was SO nervous on the morning she was born, but the minute we saw her, all that nervousness went away instantly! He was SO excited! He […]