Wow, I can’t believe it’s already time for Taylor Tuesdays-part 6! If you’re just joining…Tuesdays are all about my little family!
Today was Elliana’s one year check up. It’s been a crazy year for us…she was 11lb 3oz when she was born, but then proceeded to lose weight and wasn’t really in a hurry to gain it back. I remember on one of our first visits to the dr, the nurse and dr commented on her painted finger nails, and were just laughing! Those first two weeks went SO well. It was also the last time I even had time to paint her nails! 😂🤣 Then came the trips to the dr twice a week, feeding every three hours through the day and night (often only getting an hour of sleep in between), and it’s been a roller coaster ever since!
Oh, and did I mention that she screamed constantly on the way to the dr and the way back? It was an hour drive each way, and she never stopped screaming! She HATED her car seat! So thankful for the family members and friends that volunteered to ride with her so she wouldn’t scream! I deeply respect other ladies that give birth and then adjust to taking care of a newborn while recovering! I only had to adjust to taking care of a newborn, and it was crazy!
Anyway, life is much calmer now! And thankfully she doesn’t scream during car rides…at least not constantly! 😄 I think it’s just because she’s a very social person, and gets bored when she’s by herself in the back seat!
Well, that’s all for today! Thanks for reading Taylor Tuesdays-part 6! Be sure to check out previous posts!
I love this picture! ❤️ And I love My Granddaughter! She is the best-natured child! Cutest! Adorable! 🥰
She sure is! 😍😍
She is so adorable! I love this picture!
[…] but be sure to check back tomorrow for more pictures, and of course the weekly blog series, Taylor Tuesdays! 😊 Hope you’ve had a great Monday…it’s been busy, but we sure […]
[…] it’s time for Taylor Tuesdays-part 7! In case haven’t read previous Taylor Tuesdays posts, these weekly blog posts are all about our family and what we’ve been up to recently. […]