This and That

Well, today’s post is just about this and that, but the most exciting event of the weekend is my newest niece made her appearance! I haven’t had a chance to meet her yet, but I can’t wait! There will definitely be some pictures coming soon!! We also have another niece or nephew coming in just two more months!! Exciting times! 😊 So far my sisters and I have 10 (soon to be 11) children between ourselves, and then Nick and I have 2 nephews on his side as well. Love all these babies in our life!

Us girls never got to grow up around our cousins, and I’ve always thought that it would have been so much fun! I’m pretty happy that most of us siblings live in the same area, so that our babies can grow up together! And a lot of them are pretty close in age, too!

On a different subject…is anyone else enjoying these longer days since the time change? I always LOVE it when I doesn’t get dark until closer to bedtime! It’s time to get the firepit out and start having people over for cookouts and volleyball! Who knows, we may even have a little bluegrass music, as well!

For those of you who don’t know, bluegrass music is a big favorite around here! 😊 My sisters and I had a band for several years, and traveled around singing and playing music! Everyone is busy with their own little families now, but we still get together sometimes and play a little music together.

Well, I know it’s a short post tonight, but be sure to check back tomorrow for more pictures, and of course the weekly blog series, Taylor Tuesdays! 😊 Hope you’ve had a great Monday…it’s been busy, but we sure have!

March 16, 2020

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  1. Big Nick says:

    So musically talented! 🎶 Awesome!

  2. Neely says:

    That’s awesome! I’d love to see y’all play!

    • Rebekah Ward Taylor says:

      Thanks…it’s mostly my sisters, though! If we ever play a concert again, I’ll definitely let you know! 😊

  3. […] I got to meet my newest little niece, Katie Leigh! I forget just how little newborns are until I see a new little one! She is precious […]

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