Details For Days

Yes, I know I’ve been posting details for days! Today’s pictures are brought to you with “help” from Elliana. 😆 She’s insisting on sitting in my lap, so I’ve resorted to playing YouTube videos for her to keep her entertained so I can work! It’s funny the things you’ll end up doing that you thought you’d never do as a mother! 😂 (I’m sure all you experienced parents are nodding and laughing!)

Rebekah Taylor Wedding Photography, Dickson, Nashville, TN,
Details For Days

In other news…Spring Break started a little early here, so there’s no school for the rest of this week or next. Normally, my brother Seth would be excited, but now that they’ve used up all the snow days, we’re both hoping school doesn’t go until June! 😄

Rebekah Taylor Wedding Photography, Dickson, Nashville, TN, Details For Days

My sister gave me a gift certificate to get my hair cut, and since I haven’t had that done in a LONG time, I’ve got an appointment to get it cut this afternoon. I may or may not post pictures on Instagram…I guess it depends on if I cry or not! 😄 A friend of mine has always cut it, and she’s no longer doing hair, so I have to trust a complete stranger! This place comes highly recommended by my sister, though, so I’m going to give it a try. They said I should be able to donate the hair, so I’m pretty excited to do that! 😊

Rebekah Taylor Wedding Photography, Dickson, Nashville, TN
Rebekah Taylor Wedding Photography, Dickson, Nashville, TN

Venue: Sandy Creek Event Center
Planner: Ali Marie Photography and Co
Florist: Madison Shea Mashburn
Rentals: Wood and Wedding Supply Co

March 12, 2020

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  1. […] as I mentioned yesterday, I went and got a new haircut! It’s been a long time since the last trim, so I had them cut […]

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