Happy first day of Spring! We had a warm, rainy day here in middle TN. I’m so happy that’s it’s spring now, and I can’t wait for more warm days, new leaves and flowers blooming!
Today I got to meet my newest little niece, Katie Leigh! I forget just how little newborns are until I see a new little one! She is precious in every way, and did well on her very first (of many, I’m sure) photo session with Aunt Beka! 💕

In other news…I am trying to get Elliana caught back up on all the sleep she missed while on our trip! The child just cannot go to sleep while there’s even a POSSIBILITY of something going on! One day while out, I took her back to the car during the afternoon, buckled her in her car seat, turned her sound machine on, turned the car to where there was no sun in her eyes, and quietly sat in the front seat. She laid there in her car seat with her eyes wide open!! 😆 I mean, nothing was going on, there was no activity going on outside around us, nothing! She just does not want to miss anything! 😄 Thankfully she sleeps very well at home, so hopefully she’ll make that up soon!
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[…] pictures are some I took this week of my newest niece, Katie Leigh. 😍 Working with newborns for pictures takes a lot of patience […]