Today’s blog post features two guys in my life…Seth and Nick! For those of you that may not know us, Nick is my husband and Seth is my brother.

These two guys are ALWAYS playing and picking on each other and wrestling and carrying on. Elliana usually watches from a distance, but she definitely picks up on what they’re doing! She’s usually too afraid to join in (and rightfully so!) but she wrestles with pillows, stuffed animals, and has even been rough with her younger cousin a couple times! 😏

When we had our latest photo session in SC, our photographer (Janice Jones) took a minute to take a couple pictures of these guys together. They were goofing off and playing around, and would hardly stand still! I didn’t think there would be even one good picture, but Janice so wonderfully captured the relationship between these two! I just LOVE these pictures!
I’m not going to love it if Elliana thinks it’s ok to tackle people, though! 😄 Speaking of that girl, she seems to be quickly developing independence when it comes to eating. She does great when it’s finger foods, but more times than not, if I feed her anything with a spoon, it comes right back out! And she has to feel it, and then wipe it evenly over any and all surfaces within her reach. Sigh…. I started teaching her to hold the spoon today, and she got SO excited! Haha! I love that kid, but I’m also thinking we may have to start feeding her on the porch and hosing her down directly after! 😂
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