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Congratulations to Braxton and Miranda! Every wedding I photograph is special and near to my heart, but this one was even more meaningful to me and my family. Braxton and Miranda are so special to our family. Miranda is one of our babysitters and our kids adore her. They’ve both been incredible during our fostering […]

bride leans on groom's arm during wedding portraits

April 12, 2022

Rebekah Taylor Wedding Photography, Dickson, Nashville, TN

Yes, I know I’ve been posting details for days! Today’s pictures are brought to you with “help” from Elliana. πŸ˜† She’s insisting on sitting in my lap, so I’ve resorted to playing YouTube videos for her to keep her entertained so I can work! It’s funny the things you’ll end up doing that you thought […]

March 12, 2020

Well, it’s Wednesday again, and today I’m featuring more wedding details from Saturday! As I mentioned Monday, I really enjoyed my visit to Sandy Creek Event Center in Springville, TN! I’m working through editing the pictures, and it’s hard to choose just a few favorites! And I really love these colors together! I LOVE how […]

Rebekah Taylor Wedding Photography, Dickson, Nashville, TN

March 11, 2020

Rebekah Taylor Wedding Photography, Dickson, Nashville, TN

Well, folks, it’s another Monday and a brand new week! Hope everyone had a great weekend! The highlight of mine was getting to take pictures at Sandy Creek Event Center in Springville, TN! This was my first time visiting this venue, and let me tell you, it’s SO beautiful! They are located near Paris, TN, […]

March 9, 2020

One of the biggest and most important parts of a wedding is planning! So while you’re deciding on your perfect day, let’s talk about a First Look! I know it’s traditional to not see one another until the bride is walking down that aisle, but let me ask you to consider having a First Look! […]

Rebekah Taylor Wedding Photography, Dickson, Nashville, TN

March 5, 2020

Rebekah Taylor Wedding Photography, Dickson, Nashville, TN, Celebrating Wednesday

I’m big on celebrating Wednesday, because it means we’ve made it halfway through the week! 😊 And today’s big news is: Elliana has another tooth! (Sorry…just have to share my mom news! πŸ˜„) For those of you that didn’t catch the last announcement, this is her 2nd tooth. It’s only been a week since she […]

March 4, 2020

Happy March, everyone! Our March started out with a beautifully warm and windy day yesterday! Now it looks like we’ve got rain the rest of the week, but looking forward to another warm, sunny weekend! We’ve got a busy week planned, with various different errands and appointments to keep us busy, and then I get […]

Rebekah Taylor Wedding Photography, Dickson, Nashville, TN

March 2, 2020

Rebekah Taylor Wedding Photography, Dickson, Nashville, TN

Well, it’s a beautiful afternoon here in Middle Tennessee, with lots of wonderful sunshine, and a perfect day sharing photos of my favorite wedding rings! My brother, Seth, is entertaining Elliana for me as I write this post. They’re currently watching screaming goat videos, which always creates a pretty hilarious reaction from her! πŸ˜„ Capturing […]

February 27, 2020

Well, we’ve made it to the last Wednesday of February, y’all! This week has been crazy busy for us, and we may or may not be dragging a little bit. πŸ˜† I have big news for all of Elliana’s fans! (And yes, I realize that’s probably why most people even read this blog! πŸ˜„) She […]

Rebekah Taylor Wedding Photography, Dickson, Nashville, TN

February 26, 2020

Rebekah Taylor Wedding Photography, Dickson, Nashville, TN

Happy Monday! It definitely feels like a Monday around here! Nothing like a shopping trip in the pouring down rain with a baby to make you thankful for grocery pickup! πŸ˜† A friend of mine introduced me to grocery pickup last year, and I use it probably 90% of the time! Had a few items […]

February 24, 2020

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